Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Movie Review: Inception

Last night I saw the movie Inception for the first time.  Yes yes, I live on the moon, in a cave, and under a rock.

Onto the general movie review:  Inception was interesting and entertaining, even if I had a lot of trouble deciding whether of not I liked it.  Inception is a heist movie, focused on dreams.  A vaguely original idea from Hollywood?  I'm scared too.  Anyways,.it had just the right level of complication to keep me paying attention, but not enough to the point where you have to watch the movie twice to figure it out.  At times things happen that don't immediately make sense, but the movie does circle back and explain it if you pay attention.  The soundtrack is well done as you'd expect from Hans Zimmer.  Inception starred Leonardo diCaprio, a bunch of familiar looking co-stars I cannot quite recognize, and Michael Caine (best known for his starring role in the best movie ever.)  The special effects were well done, flashy, but not distracting.

In the negative column, the movie pushed one of my buttons by throwing out the Scare Chord with reckless abandon.  I hate the scare chord in a horror movie, but at least I'm expecting to be annoyed.  I expect better from my thrillers.  (In the movie's defense, Christopher Nolan originally wrote it as a horror movie)  I thought I had more to write in this section, but since I don't I'll declare Inception worth watching.

In conclusion, this movie was coherent and entertaining, making it the polar opposite of the last movie I saw about dreams, What Dreams May Come.

Final rating:  72/89 Hurgnirs

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